Activity report

The 1st Mekong River fieldwork in 2015

SGH fieldwork was conducted by 6 students who selected SGH Research TaskⅡA in Thailand and Cambodia for 11days from August 1.

They conducted surveys on the subject of “water problems” relating vegetation status and cutting situation of mangroves, conditions of the land which was formally used as shrimp farms and change of local people’s lives after producing commercial crop in brackish-water region” in Ranong, south part of Thailand.

They visited Siem Reap in Cambodia and learned about “Water problems in rapid urbanized agricultural community” and “Angkor as an irrigated city” in collaboration with Sophia University and a local NGO. They also conducted interviews and water surveys with people who live in Tonle Sap Lake and in surrounding rural areas.

The 2nd Mekong River fieldwork will be conducted in December.

A survey in a mangrove forest    An interview with a mayor of a     Lake dwellings 
(Ranong, Thailand)        village (Ranong, Thailand)      (Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia)

An interview with lake dwellers    A water survey in Angkor Krau    Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
(Tonle Sap Lake)          village (Cambodia)