Activity report

“Presentation of SGH Research Task in 2016”

 “Presentation of SGH Research Task in 2016” was held in our 1st gymnasium on 24 February. It consisted of 2 parts. Poster sessions of SGH Research TaskⅠ(A compulsory subject for the 1st year) & SGH Research Task ⅡA/ⅡB (An elective subject of the 2nd year) were held for the 1st part at 3 venues. They answered the questions in front of posters. Seniors instructed & advised juniors in many places. Representatives of SGH Research Task subjects made presentations on stage for the 2nd part. They answered questions after the presentation. SGH Research Task Ⅲ (An elective subject of the 3rd year students) started from this fiscal year. A students that had delivered an English presentation at the international institution in Beijing, China last August, gave the same presentation to juniors.

 About 40 people participated in this presentation including teachers & lecturers in & out of Miyagi prefecture. We got many questions & advice about our research during the poster presentations. Thank you very much.

SGH Research Task Ⅰ       SGH Research Task ⅡB     SGH Research Task ⅡA

SGH Research Task Ⅲ